The upload speed is right in line where it should be based on the internet plan I am on. The drivers are up to date based off the Dell website and by going to configure the card and selecting drivers and update driver over the internet. I have a Netgear R nighthawk router and I have upgraded my internet through my provider to Mbs download speed. XP drivers for DW Contact Us Legal Privacy and cookies.
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Do the USB adapters support high speeds and have decent range of reception? I'm thinking I either need a new computer or at least a new card? I can understand that athros because it might have a wireless card that does not support higher speeds. XP drivers for DW Find More Posts by knagel.

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Slow transfer speed over network Hi All, Here is my problem. I am from the Iowa, United States.

I did notice the only laptop I have which is a dinosaur running XP that wired it is 94Mbps but wirelessly it is also way slow like my Dell. I have not checked though because I never use it anymore.

I hooked my ancient laptop that is running XP with a wired connection to the back of the router and was able to get like 94Mbps along with my boys Apple laptops wirelessly are able to connect in the high 80's to low 90's. I need about 25 to 30' line of sight.

Both of afheros machines have a good connection to the network; they both get the best download speeds I can expect. Between the XP systems, things run fairly quick.

Both my boys Apple laptops when a speedtest. That is the driver I have installed. As I do not know what part of the World you reside in Have been reading lots of Posts on the Dell Website about your Card Similar help and support threads.

Find More Posts by maxie. Which Adapter does your Computer use? How ever lets see if the Driver in the Link below makes any difference All times are GMT I don't know what the wired results are on this computer as there is no way to hook it up wired unless I take an hour and move everything in to the room with my modem and router or I get a 30' Ethernet cable.

Our forum is dedicated to helping you find support and solutions for any problems regarding your Windows 7 PC be it Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build.

Right now only a maximum of 3 users can stream SD videos off Agheros do I need to do to achieve a higher download speed?

DW network card in Dell XPS slow speed Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums

The laptop uses wi-fi and the PC is wired. I have the newest driver loaded and I am not experiencing low atherros, just slow speeds.

The drivers are up to date based off the Dell website and by going to configure the card and selecting drivers and update driver over the internet. Yes they do Support high speed Think it is the card I have then?

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I think I saw it once hit close to 50 but I might be mistaken. The easiest option would be to get a new USB Adapter they are really cheap I have been experiencing slow internet speeds lately and thought the cause might have been the internet provider Mediacom. Windows 7 Forums is an independent web site athedos has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Microsoft Corporation.


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